If you are having trouble following the instructions in the onboarding wizard perhaps these other tutorials will help you:
1. Open Safari on your iPhone, it is the icon highlighted in the red box below, typically fixed to the bottom row of your phone screen:
2. Click on the address bar to enter the website, where you would enter any website you were trying to access
3. Once you click in the box the keyboard should appear, and enter "theiahealth.ai/dashboard" and hit "Go":
4. If you are not already logged in you may see the below screen, if you do enter the email you used to signup for Theia and your password and click Login, if you are automatically taken into the app and see your name on the top right then continue to step 5.
5. Now you should be on your dashboard page, if you haven't started streaming glucose data then your screen may look a little different, you are going tap in the menu bar highlighted in the red box below:
6. You will see a menu popup from the bottom, place your finger on a blank spot and pull your finger up to reveal more of the menu
7. You should see a button that says "Add to Homescreen" If you see it, click on it and go to step 10. If not please go to the next step.
8. If you already click "Add to Home Screen" go to step 10, this step is for people who do not see that option. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, tap Edit Actions
9. Then tap Add to Home Screen and then done, then go back to step 7.
10. Click Add on the top right
11. You should be set, the icon should now appear on your phone screen similar to an app.
If you are still having issues getting the Theia icon on your phone please open a ticket to get further assistance from a Theia team member.
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