Theia offers a convenient way to monitor how various activities impact your glucose. Tracking consistently empowers you and your provider to draw powerful insights into how various factors impact your metabolism.
When you track an activity, it will be represented on your glucose chart, and in your activities. Each activity you log will be assigned an Activity Score once a three-hour period has elapsed from the time it was tracked. You can review how to track various activities in Theia below:
1. Tracking Food
To track a meal quickly, you can use the "Quick Photo" feature to snap a picture of what you're having.
You can also use the "+ Activity" Button in the app, or the blue "Add Food/Activity/Feeling" button on desktop.
This will open a menu with various activities you can track: Food, Exercise, Supplements, Stress, Meditation, or Miscellaneous.
Below that, you'll also see various feelings you can log: Hungry, Thirsty, Tired, Dizzy, Foggy
To track food, select the "Food" icon.
There are multiple fields you can fill out to provide greater detail on the activity being tracked.
To keep it simple, "Activity Type", and "Date/Time" are the only required fields.
When logging food, you can opt to track using a photo of your meal as a quick way to document what you had. Please note that you can only upload one image for a given activity.
If using the "Title" field, it's helpful to make it informative, like "chicken + broccoli + sweet potato" so you can tell what you had at a glance when reviewing your data later.
If you'd like to be able to filter your data by categories, you may want to use the "Tags" field for things like "breakfast", "lunch", "dinner", "snack", etc.
Using the "Notes" field is a great way to provide additional context, where needed.
If you're tracking something you had earlier, be sure to update the "Date/Time".
When you track a meal, you have the option to add it to your "Quick Add" activities. Checking that box means you can easily log the same meal in the future.
2. Tracking Exercise
To track exercise, select the Exercise icon from the Activities menu.
Just like food entries, the only required fields are "Activity Type" and "Date/Time".
Exercise also offers fields to select the "Exercise Type" and the "Duration" to add additional context for your workout.
You can also opt to add a Title, Tags, and any Notes that may be helpful to reference later.
At the bottom of the page, there's a checkbox to indicate whether the exercise you did was strenuous. It's a normal and healthy response for blood sugar to spike during strenuous exercise, so checking that box means that an associated glucose spike will not negatively impact your daily score.
When you track a workout, you have the option to add it to your "Quick Add" activities. Checking that box means you can easily log the same meal in the future.
3. Tracking Other Activities and Feelings
The more you track in Theia, the more insights you and your provider may be able to glean from your data. Beyond food and exercise, you can also log Supplements, Stress, and Meditation. There's also a Miscellaneous category, where you can track anything else that you feel may inform your glucose levels. When you track any of these categories, you'll have the option to add your entry to your "Quick Add" options.
Additionally, you can log feelings, which can help you better understand how glucose levels impact you on a daily basis. The following feelings are available in the app and may be helpful to associate with your glucose: Hungry, Thirsty, Tired, Dizzy, and Foggy. When you select any of the available feelings, it will be logged at the time you make the selection.
5. Using the "Quick Add" Feature
When logging any new activity, you'll have the option to save it to your "Quick Add" menu. When you select the "Quick Add" icon, any activities you've saved previously will be available to log with one click. When you log an activity from this menu, it'll be tracked as happening right now.
6. Using the "Quick Photo" Feature
To quickly track an activity, select the "Quick Photo" icon in the app. This will open your phone's camera so you can take a photo of what you'd like to document and track it as something you're having now.
Activities tracked this way will have "Quick Photo" as their title and will appear as a camera icon on your glucose chart.
7. Where to Find Activities Once You've Logged Them
Once you log an activity, it will be represented on your glucose chart, and in your "Recent Activities" on your dashboard. You can select them in either location to edit your entry or review score details once a score has been provided.
Tracked activities can also be found in both your Weekly Report and Metabolic Reports.
What's Next?
Learn more about how we score activities here.
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